What is your family like ?
Vous trouverez ci-dessous la vidéo utilisée en classe de 4B pour la séquence « Family ».
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What is your family like ?
It can be two moms, two dads or one mom....
A mommy, and daddy, and mommy, and daddy.. and ...over and over again !
So many combinations, so many combinations
Families are people who love you
I have a huge family
My mom and me... no dads !
I’m adopted, she’s not !
I might have been adopted but I don’t think I was.
Families are forever, no matter what happens, your family’s always gonna be there for you.
A mom, and dad, and kids, and kids, and dad, and mom...
It doesn’t matter if you had two moms, it doesn’t matter if you have two dads, families are families